Wednesday, September 28, 2016

This Is Why Getting Voice Lessons Is A Great Idea

By Susan Peterson

It is very rare to find someone who does not like music. And while not many can play an instrument, a lot have a voice to sing with. The issue is just how good one sounds. Everybody with a voice, who can breathe and can hear the difference in pitch, can be taught how to sing.

While most parents get singing classes for their kids at an early age, it is still not late enough to get them at 20 or 30. When living in very artistic environments, it is difficult not to get pulled in participating in the arts. Consider voice lessons Los Angeles, New York or Europe can offer. These are places that have world class instructors, being the centers of art and entertainment.

Even when the goal is not to be an international scale singer, lessons in singing and even in learning how to play an instrument can give many cognitive benefits. Studies show that learning music for adults can contribute in brain exercise, boosting productivity, prevents disease and lowers blood pressure, among many others. For students and children at a developmental age, these classes can help then in their overall academic performance and help improve math and reading abilities.

In a social developmental aspect, it helps build self esteem, character and can greatly improve speaking and communication. The increased morale that the student gets from reaching a certain class oriented goal can level up their confidence. Since the art of song involves a lot of listening this will also make the learner a better listener and communicator as a whole.

Connections with other singers and musicians are easily made once the student is into and interested in the music that they are studying. They become better at expressing themselves using songs. Music is a language everyone understands and this makes it easier to communicate with others regardless of race and language barrier.

Release stress and enjoy the art of singing. Studies show that using this expressive form of art improves cardiovascular function and emotional regulation. Improved emotional connections linked to spirituality and tranquility are experienced better by musicians. According to Evolutionary Psychology, performing releases the natural endorphins of the body, this is how the body gets a natural high. This also increases pain tolerance.

Singing classes revolve around technique. People who choose to make singing as a career have a great grasp in the technicality of their art. Expanding their range, tone, depth and style. There is a lot of focus involved in this practice so self discipline is also developed. Practicing for a performance does not only include talent but a lot of hard work.

Voice classes still come in handy for performing singers. Constant help is still required to maintain and improve the quality of their singing voices. Theater performers and vocalists still have to make sure the high notes are perfect and their technique is mastered before they get on stage. For the rest who do not sing professionally, it never hurts to sound better and eventually let friends and family hear recorded tracks to boost confidence.

Do not limit the singing just inside the karaoke bar or the shower. Extend the enjoyment that it brings beyond the comfort zone. Get the nerve to start a band or sing live for a gig at the nearby restaurant. Let go of the fear of sounding badly and think about getting classes.

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