Monday, August 13, 2018

A List Of Facts Of Music Video Submission

By Elizabeth Mitchell

In this era of civilization, no one looks down upon careers because the merits of each are as clear as day. It was not the case in the olden days where talented artists had minimal freedom of expression due to the negative perspective of community members. The criticism is out of fashion and currently, there are millions of fans supporting the industry by holding online and offline occasions for music video submission.

Choosing a platform is problematic since the numbers are increasing thus making musicians sway. The common mistake is submitting without looking at the guidelines of each only to lose the opportunities in the future. It is better that you hold the collections until you get the right dashboard instead of working in haste and ruining a future in the company.

Music industry is one of the most competitive. From time to time, platforms emerge with the aim of featuring musicians and helping them with the challenges in marketing. When such opportunities emerge, many interpret as a way of disposing of the tracks hence pay minimal attention to the guidelines. There is nothing exciting that can come from hastiness hence spend time looking at the options.

When dealing with bloggers, it is not about what you want or think is best for you but rather the rules they have set. Understand that there are hundreds of submissions on a daily basis and nothing good comes from hiding in the crowd. Even though some do not specify, sending short and quality stuff is better than the long and junky.

Regardless of who you are in the industry, no one is entitled to be read or posted because a video is in the list of received submissions. It is the obligation of senders to find ways of making the submissions outstanding from the thousands received per day. Using a few words, tell the blogger why watching the video will not be a waste of time.

One of the most important things when looking for credit from the music bloggers is looking as professional as possible. It starts with formatting to sending the videos. Keep in mind that the large volumes of videos received on a daily basis do not allow bloggers to spend time on submission that does not comply with the rules. Stick to the recommended language to qualify to the list of members who get a second look.

The main thing to consider when writing a music submission is ensure that relevant information about your artwork is in the email. They include links to different social media accounts, posted work, the songs that are in progress of getting a good market, and a short bio. A personal touch adds credit to work and takes you to the next level of being read.

The number of sites that are willing to help musicians market their work is overwhelming. Frequently, they are disappointed by members who do not follow instructions and the end result in that case is blacklisting. Once you are in the list of rejects, it becomes hard to submit in the platform in future. Therefore, accept that actions have consequences and work towards getting positive results.

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