Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Celtic Thunder X 2018 And Their Tour

By Michelle Hayes

Well, if it is not a good time to flex on their talents, then it will never be a good time. Ever. By the end of this year, America will be so full of this band and all their shows that it will probably be the hot topic in 2019. But for now, how about we focus on what they have been planning this year? They already sold their albums earlier this 2018, so of course, we get to have their concert tour. Not to be a downer since this band is pretty good at what they do, but do they suffer a burnout or something? Their tour lasts for 4 months straight with only a couple of days in between that to have as rest days. Oh well. These people are rich because of it so we will not rain on their parade. Instead, we will talk about their successes and their enormous tour. This is Celtic Thunder X 2018.

Remember last year? When they finished a bunch of shows before they released their tenth anniversary album? That was good, huh? Did you also celebrate them? Not to mention the sales they collected after that album release. Can you believe that this band has been with us for more than ten years?

How about that new television special they just did last March 1? That was before they released that album of theirs, right? Does it not make you proud how very anticipated that show was? That got a lot of airings in Europe before it spread everywhere. What was it called again? Come on, you know this. It is even in the name of the title of this. Yes, that is right. Celtic Thunder X.

This band started back in August 2007, which means this is technically their eleventh year of being a band together. They might have lost some of their original performers along the way and even added new ones to stay relevant, but that did not stop them from giving out content continuously. With the help of their director and producer, they still stayed as relevant as possible.

Talking about how famous they became in ten years, just check their Youtube Channel called Thunder Tube. It has a hundred and twenty million views over all their videos. They have been receiving yearly awards from Billboard and sold so many of their albums they are practically millionaires by now. All because of their music and that one tv special they did in 2008.

When talking about their stunning live shows, it is safe to say that they leave you breathless. They are known to have a thing for dramatic lighting effects and choreography that goes with their very authentic Irish instrumental tools. They have millions of views on PBS with it always going sold out at shows. One time, they even performed for Mr. And Mrs. Obama at the White House when it was Saint Patricks Day during that time.

And we talk about the number of accomplishments they have done, they are not easy to swallow either if you are a hater. If not, then you might even enjoy their completions. Seeing as they have performed almost everywhere that had relevance and are important, including at the White House.

So, finally, we get back to the topic at hand. The tour and the tickets. Well, they are doing it mostly in North America so if you are near there, good for you. From Hartford, Westbury, Baltimore, Washington, Pittsburgh, Hershey, Morristown, Glenside, Red Bank, Albany, Burlington, Concord, Portland, Boston, New York, and so much more.

Got your tickets? Perfect. Hopefully, they land somewhere near you so you can go see them. Celebrated their ten years of being together with them. Enjoy and watch the show because there might not be anything as good as them in the future.

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