Thursday, August 16, 2018

The Finer Points Of Indie Rock Music Video Promotion

By Eric Stone

Music soothes the savage beast, or so they say. But whether or not any savage beasts are soothed, music is still important. It is art, one of the most complex expressions or artistic talent on the planet. There is so much that goes into it. Tune, lyrics, beat, vocal range of the singer. So many factors go into making a good song.

The culture of celebrity has always fascinated the masses. From the gladiators of ancient Rome sponsoring products to the sex symbol status of various starlets to the adulation heaped upon wave after wave of digital influencers, human society has never been starved for idols. In olden times, statues of these idols were commissioned, not so much in modern times. In the modern era, some of these idols do not become idols at all. They stay underground. They are loved, yes. But only by a handful. But to get that love requires a bit of indie rock music video promotion.

An indie rock band is like a regular rock band. The main difference is that an indie rock band does not have the backing of a major record label. This means that they will not have producers, sound engineers, publicists, or the connections to get an album in retailers. An indie band will also have to pay for recording sessions, touring, and merchandise out of pocket.

Getting a name out there is never easy. Even in the age of social media, it is still very difficult for a band to become known to more than a handful of people. Because the market is so flooded with acts dreaming of stepping out of private jets to throngs of adoring crowds, voices, not matter how unique or talented, can get lost in the shuffle.

But social media has made all kinds of things possible. Singers and bands have reached the highest levels of fame by starting out with nothing more than page where they uploaded their songs onto. In this new day and age, social media is also the most effective way to promote an up and coming act.

Of course, nothing makes a band more popular than a good performance. As such, touring venues is extremely important to the success of failure of a musical performer or group. In fact, the majority of income for musical performers comes from touring. It also allows an act to spread their metaphorical wings and introduce themselves to new listeners.

The costs of making a music video can vary. A band can use a simple smart phone with a camera, superimpose the music over random shots and call it a day. Or they can to the elaborate route and have a full on spectacle with a coherent storyline that may or may not be related to the lyrics at all.

Primarily however, the song has to be good. Audiences can forgive even the most mediocre of videos. But a bad song is never going to get too many plays, unless they are of the ironic variety.

The world can be far from nice. In fact, it can be downright mean. Talent does not always get recognized. So those with talent must find some way to make themselves known, to put their names out into the world and into the consciousness of the people.

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