Thursday, April 25, 2019

A Guide Into Organizing A Classic Concert Band Performance

By William Reed

Organizing major concerts that can be attended by thousands of people is a tedious and challenging exercise. The event will have to be unforgettable for the fans to come back again or follow your band to wherever it goes. However, this feeling can never be achieved if the venue where the concerts will be performed is not wisely selected. Take a keen look at the points highlighted below to organize a great venue for a concert band.

Accessibility is paramount to an event attracting hundreds of fans. The place where the concerts will be performed must be within reach and have easy access for all people. There should not be restrictions or barriers that will force them to wait for minutes before they are cleared. Moreover, the ticketing has to be simple for fast transactions and admission of participants.

While looking for possible venues, accessibility should be the number one objective. People will come from different cities to see their beloved bands and might have difficulties tracking the location. Therefore, embark on looking for facilities which are within accessible roads and close to major bus terminals for easier access to those people using public means. Additionally, secure parking space has to be there for participants that will come with their cars.

Before the main actors arrive, the crowd must be entertained by different artists. Playing some music for the entire hour of waiting will facilitate boredom that could continue up to the end of the session. Therefore, hire a few comedians or musicians that shall keep the attendees entertained for the waiting hours. Also, installing a photo booth and a cocktail bar can enhance the entertainment mood.

Seasoned bands know that crowd participation is healthy when the performance is on. Everyone at the event has come for the music and must be made to participate in one way or another. Issue them with wristbands that emit light and if possible offer them some radio frequency receiving gadgets. These bands should have software to control them whereby different signals can be sent on certain songs.

Breaks have to be taken in the middle of an occasion. People cannot jump or dance all night long without getting time to freshen up or grasp something to replenish them. Also, these breaks can be seen as an opening for selling the played albums and refreshments. Moreover, participants with special requests can do so over this time.

An after-party is common when live bands perform. Most of the attendants hardly go home after the performance which makes it a good time for trading the meals, drinks and albums from the bands. However, organizing dinner for the VIPs will significantly contribute to the daily income. Prepare special tickets for such groups of people and ensure they are given the desired treatment at such a bash.

The security of the selected venue is an essential aspect that must be dealt with in advance. Anything can happen when entertainment is ongoing, and as an organizer, you need to have it handled. Install surveillance cameras and employ security guards to help contain the crowd.

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