Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Now You Too Can Play Clarinet

By Gary Wilson

There are all kinds of different styles of music out there that this woodwind instrument is suited perfectly for. It is popular in traditional Jewish tunes, not to mention jazz which is what many people think of, and it is even used popularly in classical music. Just seeing this short list of what kinds of genres the clarinet can play is enough to help anyone see that this is an instrument for people of all musical tastes.

It might be discouraging when you honk and squeak your way through your first notes. It might also be frustrating when you cannot seem to remember your fingerings or miss an accidental or sharp or flat here and there. If this is how you are feeling, it is always important to remember that nobody gets better at this kind of thing with practice, and it takes plenty of patience and time in order to get to the level of the professionals.

Even the most seasoned of players sometimes forget to keep their instruments clean. If this happens every once in a while, it might not be a big deal. However, never cleaning it can often result in mold or fungus growing in there, which is enough to motivate anyone to have better maintenance habits.

If you do not have a chance to play an instrument before you buy it, you can never really be sure of how good the quality is. Unfortunately, there are plenty of cheaply made models out there that have basic defects that the untrained eye might not notice until it is delivered to your doorstep. That is why you should always take care to make sure that you get to actually play on it first.

There is nothing more inspiring than listening to someone who has been playing this instrument their entire life. You might wonder how they are able to produce the beautiful sounds that they make on it. Once you see and hear for yourself that it is actually possible, it might inspire you to get a little bit of extra practice in each night so that you someday might be that good.

With the right instructor, the learning process can be a lot more fun and go more quickly. There are some independent people who like to learn it all on their own. Even the best of independent learners, though are better off when they can have someone more experienced than them watching over their shoulder.

One of the great joys of being able to play an instrument is that you can join one of the many groups that are likely out there in your community. There are few things more sublime than playing music with others. Even if you are not as good as the New York Symphony, you can still have a great time doing it.

Finding the right kind of therapy is difficult for people who have very busy and stressful lives. Sometimes, just sitting down to work on a piece of music can be just the thing that the mind needs. If you have never experienced the therapeutic benefits of playing music, now might be the right time to try.

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