Friday, April 26, 2019

Now You Too Can Play Clarinet

By Gary Wilson

There are all kinds of different styles of music out there that this woodwind instrument is suited perfectly for. It is popular in traditional Jewish tunes, not to mention jazz which is what many people think of, and it is even used popularly in classical music. Just seeing this short list of what kinds of genres the clarinet can play is enough to help anyone see that this is an instrument for people of all musical tastes.

When you first sit down with this instrument and try to play, you might find yourself frustrated by how slow the process is going. If you are expecting yourself to be a master at this from the start, you might be in for an unpleasant surprise. Luckily, if you just have patience and keep practicing, you will little by little see the improvements start to happen.

Keeping your instrument clean is something that many people forget to do on a regular basis. If you are not taking care of it and cleaning it regularly, there are all kinds of molds and fungi that can develop in the inside where you would never think to look. Even though you are blowing air out and through the instrument in order to make sound, there are still going to be times when you accidentally inhale, and with an unclean instrument, it is easy to see why that should be avoided.

Some people like to take care of all of their shopping and ordering online, and this is highly convenient in many cases. However, if you do not have the chance to actually play the instrument you are looking at first, you might be in for some trouble once your payment has been finalized. You might find out all too late that it was not an instrument worth paying for.

There are so many great clarinetists out there for you to listen to if you want to hear what this instrument can really sound like. Certain people like Benny Goodman pushed this woodwind to the limits in ways that few others ever had. It can really make you think differently about what it - and you as the player - are capable of.

With the right instructor, the learning process can be a lot more fun and go more quickly. There are some independent people who like to learn it all on their own. Even the best of independent learners, though are better off when they can have someone more experienced than them watching over their shoulder.

One of the great joys of being able to play an instrument is that you can join one of the many groups that are likely out there in your community. There are few things more sublime than playing music with others. Even if you are not as good as the New York Symphony, you can still have a great time doing it.

Something that many people love about playing an instrument is that it can be a form of therapy. If you have to sit down and focus on one thing that brings you joy like this, it can help a lot to calm anxiety. This is the way that many people with emotional struggles are able to live happy and productive lives.

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