Monday, June 24, 2019

How To Build A Sounds Good Choir

By Amy Brooks

Choir leaders and trainers are always in search of new tricks to raise their singing and performance standards. The challenge is that you will always find a group that is performing better than you. How can you develop a sounds good choir in the shortest time and sustain this quality over time?

Create a friendly atmosphere. There is a mental aspect to singing whereby a mind that is settled will produce better quality music or vocal sound. Be friends with your trainees and ensure that there are no grudges running underneath the fabric of your group. They will always anticipate to come for practice and sing their hearts out.

Be a group that has and follows rules. The rules dictate when to go for practice, whether you need books, how to address others, and general behavior. It becomes easier to discipline an errant member. Since the rules standardize the terrain for everyone, no one will feel more important or less needed in the group.

Leaders and teachers should also follow the rules set for the group. If everyone is to keep the phone away, the teachers and trainers are involved. Leaders and their teachers can now talk with authority and be heard because they are doing that which they are saying.

Polish your skills as a trainer before thinking of the performance of members or singers. Singers under your instructions will only perform to the level you have reached. If you stammer when bringing out the notes, they fail to pick them with confidence. This affects the quality of sound they produce. Review scores before teaching to make it easier and fluent for you to teach.

Prepare a comfortable environment for rehearsal and performance. Trainers might insist on singing while standing while others want them to sit. All members must be comfortable with these arrangements to provide mental comfort. The room should be lit, with fresh air and spacious enough for all members. Discomfort will always be felt in the performance of singers.

Help them take care of their voices. The quality of sound produced is always a factor of individual voices. Implore on singers to drink plenty of water, avoid sugary beverages and reduce unnecessary shouting. Since the vocal cords are the primary tool for a singer, it will be impossible to misuse it when not singing yet expect it to produce quality sound.

Warm up the voices before serious singing. Vocal cords are muscles that need to be warmed like every other part of your body whenever you are engaging in intense exercise. Failure to warm exposes you to the possibility of damage. Use subtle tunes to warm and take sufficient time.

Each choir has a capacity and each singer has a limit. It is for the trainer to understand and utilize or live within these elements. You cannot expect quality sound from a group performing below its potential or a singer with a piece beyond his or her standard. It takes time to develop a good performing choir. Prepare for the hard work and elevate the quality of teacher involved in order to raise that of the entire group.

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