Thursday, June 27, 2019

Playing The Game Called Life

By Ryan Davis

Sometimes in our lives we have to face a challenge that will change the way we look at things. It changes our life in a manner that you may no longer know who you really are and what you are doing. But no matter how we look at the situation, we do not have a choice but to do it. Its only right to make an action if you believe that such act is for the goodness.

We tend to have a better life, but we are not willing to make an action to achieve it. As a matter of fact, we were brought to this world just to play a big game. That is the game of life, which normally one should lose and the other should win. But that is not always the case, in our lives losing is not actually the end.

When someone loses, especially in sports, such person loses also his hope and will. However, we should not lose our hope when we fail in our lives. Failing is just a part of success, which help a person to become the best version of him or herself. If you fail twice or even a couple of times, accept it and let it be you inspiration.

We should not let our failure be the reason for giving up. We can always do better than before, and even do more than we can usually do. That ability is really natural to a person since we have the highest level of intelligence. Evolution as what they call it, but I prefer to call it adaptation.

We need to understand the principle of life that nothing is impossible if hard work and dedication is used. During the middle of this game, sacrifices may be asked from you. Such sacrifice may involve sweat or even blood. But that is totally fine because they are actually the product of hard work. And the same usually results to success.

However, in every goal that we want to achieve, changes as a requirement, does not happen overnight. In order for us to evolve, we have to make changes. But for us to make a change, consistency is very important. We will not become stronger just by lifting weights for the whole day. By analogy, we cannot become better just by doing it once.

You cannot have all the things in this world. But you can try to acquire the things you really long for. There is no prohibition to dream of impossible, dreaming is actually next to having hope. If a certain person loses hope, he or she also loses the desire to live. But if that hope remains unchanged the will of such person will be strong as a concrete facade.

Understanding the true meaning of pain, is also knowing what pleasure really feels like. One should remember that we were not borne in this cruel world just to have a vacation. We are here to fight and to survive. In our day to day lives, we are actually making the fight. Even the simple riding of a bus and crossing the street, you are already fighting for your safety.

In any case, when life appears to be easy we tend to multiply, but when it appears to be too difficult we work hard in order to survive. Such premise is absolutely precise in any situation. We have to accept that if we do not play the game very well, chances is that we are the one to lose.

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