Thursday, July 7, 2011

How To Obtain The Appropriate Frames For Your Portraits Or Artworks

By Lisa Kennedy

It is a well known fact that any lines or frames can draw your eyes towards a picture. This is why we usually frame our pictures.

A more plausible reason why we use frames though is to protect the picture or artwork from any possible damage that could harm it.

In order to make the picture stand out a frame must be well made and aesthetically pleasing. However you would not want the frame to take away the focus of the artwork that it is displaying. The whole idea of faming the artwork or picture is to enhance its appeal.

This is why it is important to not only get the thickness of the frame correct but also the make of material used for the framework. There are many options available today for materials used in frameworks. As well as the traditional frames made from wood you can also buy metallic frames and plastic frames.

Metallic frame would normally be associated with modernist or minimalist type surroundings. The plastic frames however would normally be used to house such things as posters or commercial pictures.

The skill of choosing the right frame is to be aware of the surrounding. If you were hanging a piece of artwork in a room that is minimalist and modern then you would more than likely choose a frame to suit which would probably be a metallic type of frame with a thin sleek appearance.

For instance if you are putting pictures into an old Victorian style house then you would probably use frames that are made from traditional wood and were quite thick in appearance. This would suit the antique surroundings in which they were to be hung. A country cottage style house on the other hand would probably benefit from a more experimental style frames with probably twigs or leaves adorning the frame.

If you have any standard size photographs or pictures that you need framing then you could just choose something that you can readily purchase from a local store or from most places online. If you photos can in an irregular size then you may want to buy customized frames to house them in.

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