Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Key Qualities That Set Apart Good Photographers From Not

By David Pollard

How do you know you hired a stellar wedding photographer? Engaged couples may use the following list of the qualities of most sought-after photographers as their checklist:

First, he is ready with his equipment. Even the most experienced photographers use a tripod for shots that he can anticipate. Also, extra memory card and extra batteries should come handy. In other words, a good wedding photographer attends the occasion well-prepared.

Second, the photographer's hand is steady for shots that require them to move. This is a technique that can only be learned by years of experience. The wedding photographer is also invisible, which means, even as he moves around to take the photos, he does not distract the proceedings of the wedding ceremony.

Third, a good photographer does not merely document the event. Instead, he tells the story through his photographs. He can do this by "stitching" together stories happening during the ceremony and those happening in the sideways capturing the reactions of attendees, parents, loved ones, and even funny unexpected moments from guests. The story behind a wedding does not only centre on the prepared wedding programme, but happens in the surrounding as well.

Fourth and closely related to the third, a stellar photographer does not need a creative director to help him with the shots. He can, on his own, decide what to shoot, especially when he is alone and the wedding is big. His acquired experience in wedding coverage helps him anticipates what happens next. But he is not confined to this formula and is flexible enough to accommodate peculiar twists in the ceremony.

Finally, he is always in the best position for great shots. There are instances when a wedding ceremony can go on for hours, especially where unique culture-based rituals are involved. Despite this, the photographer needs to be alert always, keeping his mind and his eye fresh for new perspectives.

Now that you know the qualities of the most sought-after photographers, you can never go wrong with your choice of that one person who can help you keep the memories of your wedding day alive for generations. Good luck!

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