Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Sigma 10-20 Review

By Andreia Alves

Sigma Lenses have been manufactured since 1961 when Sigma became one of the first major camera companies to produce interchangeable lenses. Since that time, Sigma has produced every size and type of lens for photographers both professional and amateur and has led the way in both technological research and advancements within the lens community.

Sigma 10-20mm Lens Appearance & Feel. On first glance at the Sigma 10-20, this lens definitely meets the professional standards in terms of appearance and style. The standard black rubberized color scheme along with the white numbers and letters should fit any style of camera this lens will be used in conjunction with. The shiny gold ring adds a classy touch to an already professional look, although purists may not particularly like this addition. It comes with a two lens caps (front and rear), a lens hood (nice free addition) and a zippered carrying case that is nicely padded unlike other competitor models.

2. Experience of the Reviewer - Who would you trust more: A 30-year experienced professional photographer or a 21-year-old newbie who just got into the camera hobby? When you are analyzing a Sigma 10-20 review, make sure the reviewer has qualified their experience in depth. Phrases such as "When I began actively trying various lenses in 1990" lend some experience background while a statement such as "My friend loved the packaging and it looked really cool in the Youtube video" doesn't demonstrate experience.

One of the more common focal lengths used by photographers today is a 10-20mm version. Being an interchangeable model, the Sigma 10-20mm lens can be used on multiple camera models and function the same on each. These lenses come in various apertures and the 10-20mm lens reviews need to be specific to that exact lens.

Picture Sharpness. The Sharpness of the pictures taken with the Sigma 10-20 is very good and well above standards. When editing or magnifying the pictures, this model may not produce pictures quite as sharp as some of the extreme high end lenses from Nikon. Some of the photos could have been a little bit more defined in terms of the facial features but considering the vast price difference between this Sigma 10-20 lens and some of the Nikon models, sometimes as much as 50% of the cost, I wouldn't hesitate on going with the Sigma. Sharpness gets a 4.5 out of 5 stars due to the small amount of sharpness decline at the wide edges of the picture.

5. Too much Detail? - Many of us have read reviews where we say to ourselves "That seemed a bit too detailed to be truthful". Fact is, it probably was! Companies have been known to hire professional reviewers to add positive reviews of their products to sites such as Amazon. If you think a review is just a bit too technical and detailed, it may be a plant. Best to ignore it and move along.

For more details and to find a Sigma lens or view a Sigma 10-20 review, visit your local camera outlet.

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