Sunday, September 23, 2012

Next Fashion Photography Programs - Very Limited Availability, Book Now!

By Dan Feildman

The Bruce Smith Photography Academy has designed specialist fashion in the studio photography courses, fashion on location photography courses, fashion nude photography courses, fine art nude photography courses, boudoir portraiture courses, bridal fashion portraiture photography courses, model portfolio photography programs, portfolio editing courses, photoshop retouching programs, online fashion photography programs and courses in basic people photography.

We train studio and location lighting with flash strobe lighting, showing how to select the right lighting modifier for various effects. On location we train making the most of available light, using different kinds of reflectors and diffusion screens.

About The Bruce Smith: Shooting advertising campaigns, image brochures and catalogues, producing fashion shoots in some of the world most beautiful and amazing locations from Alaska to Kenya, Bruce had by now figured out to arrange total production for key fashion shoots. From the sourcing of the location managers, catering, location transport, production teams, even helicopters and arctic supply boats, Bruce would control all of the necessary aspects of high calibre fashion shoots. Shooting on location, with all of its problems, trained Bruce to shoot fast with available light and use all the required skills to create successful fashion stories.

The latest significant direction in Bruce's career came when one of his long-term customers recommended that he should think about sharing his knowledge with others. This suggestion prompted the introduction of the Bruce Smith Fashion Master Classes which run over four and five days, in the studio and on location, from London to Paris, Milan to Miami and other locations worldwide. Bruce's continued success in the digital era led to the completion of his thorough, useful guide to fashion photography that was published on both sides of the Atlantic. Pro Digital Fashion Photography.

These improvements have given Bruce a really world wide audience and a chance to educate and effect from a special position of having enjoyed a genuinely successful career as a devoted fashion photographer.

Fashion photography Training that Bruce Smith is presenting soon...

London Location Fashion Photography Course When: 9th to 13th April (five Day Course) Where: Hampton Court House, Hampton Court, London Fees: 1282 2 Places left

Antibes Fine Art Fashion Nude Photography Course When: 22nd to 26th April (5 Day Course) Where: Antibes, France. Fees: 1081 Just Two places at this price

London Location Fashion Photography Program When: 27th to 31st August (5 Day Course) Where: Hampton Court House, Hampton Court, London Fees: 1282 2 Places left

London Studio Fashion Photography Course (5 day programs) book now and save 475 3rd to 7th September - 1st to 5th October 5th to 9th 2012 November - 3rd to 7th December

If you book for one of these courses now you will qualify for an early bird discount of 50%. When the first three places on each course are booked the discount will be decreased to 25%. The first three that book on to each course will get a 50% discount, the next 3 that book will get a 25% discount and the last two that book will pay full price.

If you're seriously interested in learning these skills first hand, join one of our fashion photography courses NOW.

About the Author:

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