Saturday, October 27, 2012

How To Make A Classic Family Portrait Extra Memorable

By Don Wong

Once again, you find yourself thinking of ideas to use for your next family portrait session, which you do each year. You realise that you have always taken on the traditional formal setup before, which, albeit it turned out beautiful, did not seem to vary from all the other portraits of the earlier years. Now, for a change, you want to come up with something you and your family won't forget quite soon.

And then you begin asking yourself what themes you should adopt. To help you decide better, keep these tips in mind.

What is the persona of your family, or probably the activities you love to do together? Are you very fond of music? Are you a family of travellers? Do you especially love the colour blue? Do you have a particular TV show or film you all like, whose characters have their respective counterparts in your family? Is there any super hero you are fond of?

Utilise this as your inspiration for your family portrait's theme. For instance, if you are a family of travellers, you can freely add props like maps, souvenirs, and luggage to make the scene more vibrant, interesting, and nearest to reality as you possibly can. If your family loves music, meanwhile, you can bring along your instruments and allow your photographers to get creative with them.

When it comes to photographers for family portraits, remember to choose the best one for your own needs. Photographers have differing work styles; a piece of work which strikes somebody as beautiful might not exactly ring true for everyone else. So it's always a good idea to look at sample family portraits of photography studios before signing up for a portraiture session with them. From there, you could tell which of the photographers can very well turn your concept into reality.

Do not hesitate to request suggestions on other creative ideas from your photographer. The same, you can always ask for tips on how you can improve your concept even more and make it more photogenic. Remember that the more the innovative input that goes into your family portrait, the better it gets.

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