Friday, October 26, 2012

Technicalities Of Photography: The Subject & The Photographer

By Cindy Moss

What does it take to create a beautiful image? You begin by knowing the technicalities and deciphering the jargons of photography. But keep in mind though that those are just contributing factors which influence how well the image you took a picture of turns out. The camera you use, the kind of lenses you attach to it and even the highest image resolution available only do so much.

A camera is only a tool used to take pictures. A camera which is built a lightproof box and light-sensitive film comes in a different models. There's the relatively less costly point and shoot one generally recommended for beginners. And then there are the higher-end models like the single reflex camera for more the pros. They come with different functions, features and prices. It does not mean though that less expensive models with fewer functions and features automatically produce not so aesthetically pleasing pictures. In the same vein, pricey feature-packed cameras do not necessarily make one a pro. What truly matters is what the person using this camera has in him or her.

You should know that the lens is the light-gathering device of a camera. Yet you similarly have to acknowledge the fact that what is crucial is to have an eye to recognise beauty in things. A skilled photographer just knows what part of something is the most interesting. This person then shows the world the thing of beauty seen of his or her lens.

Image resolution pertains to the measure of a certain image's sharpness. You may be able to capture the smallest details with higher resolution but if your work lacks in character, that will clearly show.

It truly helps to understand the factors which contribute to the production of an image. Even so, one must remember that these are but instruments in a sense. They're just tools that help the photographer achieve his or her desired end. The person who uses these tools is still the one who contributes the greatest influence in the final outcome of the photographed subject. He or she either creates a thing of beauty or just another picture that simply doesn't manage to appeal to anybody.

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