Saturday, October 27, 2012

Ten Sound Strategies For Taking Great Pictures

By Mandy Faye

Taking a great picture is not as tough as you may believe. You do not need an expensive camera or years of expertise, you just basically should know ten ideas.

Tip 1 - Study Your Manual - This is a must first step for enhancing your photography expertise. Get to know your camera. In case your camera has some special features such as a particular night time mode, study the manual and follow their directions on how you can use it properly.

Tip 2 - Utilize Frame Space - Don't be afraid to maximize the use of space inside your photo. If you'd like to take the photo of an object, it's ok for it to take up the whole shot with no or incredibly small background showing. This is done to keep distractions out of the shot.

Tip 3 - Study Forms and Shapes - This can be a very important aspect to photography. It is also fundamental for learning composition. Obtain a thorough understanding of forms and shapes inside your pictures. Do not see an object, see its shape and its composition and discover the very best angle to photograph it from. Type and shapes are all around us in our planet. Study up as quite a few books on them as possible. It's going to amaze you once you realize the beauty of forms and shapes composition.

Tip 4 - Get Closer For your Subject - This is one error most photographers make, not having close sufficient to their target. Get up and personal and close the distance gap. Normally, you are able to reshape and resize a good shot but you cannot continue to blowup a distant object without sacrificing the good quality.

Tip 5 - Learn To Use Contrasts Among Colors - Some of the best photos have shades of white, gray and black. You can take great shots with just one color on your subject, but the contrasts between colors in a shot is what makes it a great photo.

Tip 6 - Motion Inside your Photographs - Under no circumstances have motion within your photographs if you are photographing a nevertheless object. If there exists some thing moving while you are trying to photograph a stationery object, your photo won't turn out anyplace close to too. Also never place a horizon line within the center of the frame. It should be on the reduce or upper third of the image.

Tip 7 - Shutter Lag - Shooting action shots with digital camera's is often tricky due to shutter lags. What this indicates is, whenever you press the button to take the photo, it can be a time delay as much as a second for the shutter to be activated. By that time what you had been photographing would have moved or changed somehow. This means it's important to compensate for shutter lag by predicting your subject's next move and then take the photo just before it takes that action. High-priced digital cameras don't have this trouble.

Tip 8 - Panning - For anyone who is taking an action shot using slower shutter speed, use panning for special effect. Follow the object by moving (panning) the camera from start to finish. One of those shots will likely turned out to be spectacular. You have great chance of getting a good shot if you take multiple photos.

Tip 9 - Continuous Shots - To pan like I suggested above you will need a camera that does continuous shots and doesn't need to stop and process after every shot.

Tip 10 - How To Take Fantastic Night Time Shots - Night time shots can be spectacular, almost magical if done right. If not they can look horrible. Without adequate lighting, even a good camera can turn out really bad pictures if the photographer doesn't know what he or she is doing.

Have fun photo taking!

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