Friday, May 20, 2011

Editing Your Photos - Which Elements Version Do I Need?

By David Peters

I have been asked the question, "Which is the Best Version of Photoshop Elements" so many times that I decided to write my answer down and hopefully answer the question once and for all.

First we need to take a look at just how Adobe has set up their Photo Editing Software, which they have basically divided into 2 different categories. Elements is a program especially designed for a beginner level photo editor, whereas Photoshop is aimed at people who need to make more advanced editing adjustments to their photos. Basically Adobe's customers will tend to start with Elements and then later move onto Photoshop, so as you can see Adobe have managed to create 2 separate editing programs that they can market to all user levels.

What most software manufacturers do is to update their programs to include new features or to enhance existing features; with Adobe we are currently using version 7. Another reason software is updated is to stay a step ahead of anyone who wants to steal the program through hacking.

If you are wondering if you should invest in a program upgrade and are comfortable using Photoshop Elements I recommend you put your money towards Photoshop CS4, which is the latest version on the market and contains any tools you may be missing out on in Elements.

When it comes to learning how to use the Elements software in an efficient manner, then you should really consider professionally made Elements video tutorials that can be applied to any Elements version. Don't worry if the screen appears to be slightly different to yours as the videos will help you out with 90% of the tools on any Elements version.

All versions of the programs have the basic tools to make your photos the best possible so don?t worry about purchasing the latest version available on the market.

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