Thursday, May 12, 2011

Helpful Hints For Perfect Wedding Videos

By Adriana Noton

If you are inexperienced in shooting wedding videos then you have to put in a lot of practice before you shoot the dream day for the couple. You do not want the only video of this once in a lifetime moment to be ruined. Practice, practice and even more practice is necessary to make the best possible video of the couples happy day. Use the panning feature to get used to how it moves and be sure you keep the camera from shaking.

Scope out the sites where the reception and the wedding will be held. Look for prime spots to get great shots of the happy couple during their dream day. You will need to catch the excitement of the day for them to look back upon.

Let the photographer do their job uninterrupted, this means stay out of their shots and poses and do not bother them while they are snapping shots. It would be very bad if they took a great shot only to find you and your equipment in it. The moments to be captured on video should be some of the couples most romantic and cherished ones. The bride and her father as he walks her down the aisle and hands her to the groom as well as the vows being taken.

Video should also be taken of everyone together in the wedding party with the bride and the groom for remembrance sake. If there is a unity candle ceremony involved be sure and tape that in its entirety as well.

You will also want to get a close up of the couples first kiss at the altar. When you are at the reception the first dance as husband and wife should be caught and any other special dances as well.

The happy couple cutting the cake and feeding it to one another, the couples toast to each other, throwing of the bridal bouquet and close up of who catches it as well as the groom taking off his new brides garter.

Ask guest to say something to the new couple on tape. This could be wishes for a happy marriage, marital advice from relatives and friends or just a shout out of congratulations to them both.

Ask the bride if she wants any type of special effects added to her video. These can be things such as music in some of the videos back ground, color changes like black and white, sepia etc.

You may also need equipment for lighting especially if filming indoors. This helps the video quality be even higher and video be more accurate as well as give you the perfect exposure.

If you are worried about being able to hear the vows as they are said place a small microphone on the grooms lapel or tie or even in the brides bouquet. This will allow all the words even soft spoken ones to be heard clearly and accurately.

Ask the couple if they have special taping requests of family, friends or special poses or parts of the ceremony or reception they specifically want included in their Toronto wedding videos.

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