Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Fujifilm FinePix A303 Digital Camera: Does It Fit Your Criteria For A Digital Camera?

By Ansel Adham

If you are trying to purchase a digital camera, you are in for a daunting task. I am certain you already know that there are loads of digital camera producers and each of them are making many different styles of cameras. To make matters worse, there are some companies that should not be making digital cameras at all because their products are so bad. When looking for a camera, you have too establish the criteria you need to have. What is the price range you wish to spend on your new camera? Is it more than $400 or less than $200? This really is something you have to know before you begin your search. Do you want to shoot video, or do you only want a camera that will take photos and then transfer the images to your computer?

As soon as you have what you want narrowed down, you can then take your shorter list to find the best choice for you. The average 35mm SLR camera will shoot better photographs than most digital cameras. But the reason you want to have a digital camera is so that you won't ever have to spend a lot of money on developing rolls of film. Possibly another criteria is the media card, and perhaps the 16 MB card that comes with the Fujifilm FinePix A303, or the 64 MB card that you can buy additionally to store 250-300 high quality images. And if you opt to buy the 64 MB, card you should not have to worry about running out of space as you can delete the photographs once you transfer them to your computer.

Although this camera is small in size, it is still a 3.2 mega pixel camera which has the ability to compare to models which are costlier. One of the features that many people really love about the Fujifilm FinePix A303 is the fact that it has a 6x zoom for snapping those closeups. And the ease of using this camera is also something people like about this unit. The fact that you can't shoot videos with audio is something that some people don't like about this camera.

One of the complaints people have had is first of all, it drains batteries fast. When using the camera in the light, no flash, and the view screen turned off, perhaps you will be able to fill a 64 MB card before your batteries die. But you will be changing the batteries if you are using the flash or screen. Many people have complained that they are losing pictures because of the review function when they are scrolling through the pictures they took. The problem is that while you are reviewing the pictures, if you don't scroll all the way to the last photos before you start taking more pictures, the camera will begin to overwrite the photographs that were saved. This can easily be avoided by scrolling to the end but if you forget you may lose some pictures you really wanted to keep.

Others have also complained about the plastic construction, and how fragile the camera is. Generally, virtually all of the reviews the Fujifilm FinePix A303 has received have been good. Most people understand that they are paying for a low end digital camera and that some quality needs to be given up to be able to sell the camera for less. So, if you are searching for a cheap digital camera, the Fujifilm FinePix A303 is definitely something you may want to look into.

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