Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Guidelines for Destination Wedding Photography

By Tony Pete

One of the best challenges for a party planner is the destination wedding. A destination wedding is difficult to set up, but the going gets rougher as the wedding date approaches. A destination wedding involves a lot of guesswork, especially if the couple demands a lot of things for the destination wedding. There are just so many things to fix, and you can't always fly back and forth to arrange things as soon as possible. A destination wedding is exciting in more ways than one.

One topic that might come up is the subject of photography. There has to be a photographer around because the couple's guests will be too busy being guests to take photos and the party planner already has a lot on his or her plate. The wedding photography is also important because the couple will never be able to go back to that day if there are no wedding photographs taken. The best photography must be done because of the exotic ambiance and the romantic location. Some of the locations that are famous as wedding destinations offer beautiful churches that will serve as a wonderful backdrop for any photograph.

What are your criteria for choosing a destination wedding photographer?

A photography expert who knows how to use landscape as a background for any photograph is a good choice. The photographer should be skilled enough to take romantic photos that tell a story.

Photo shoots on the beach of any other location in a foreign land will be very rough, so the destination wedding photographer should be up for it. You should also consider how travel-savvy the photographer is. It would be great to have a photographer who knows the culture and the language of the people on the location. A wedding photographer should also be ready to cope with the changing weather on location.

The planner has two choices when choosing a professional photographer for a destination wedding. You can hire in your place of origin and bring him along to the country where the wedding will take place. Or, you can hire a reputable company on location. The first choice will cost more than the second. Any photographer would want to tag along especially if the wedding is in another country and he can travel for free. But you will have to consider the payments you have to make for another person's lodging and professional fees. On the other hand, it's risky to hire someone you don't know especially if they ask you to pay the down payment a few months in advance. Finding a local agency that can refer good people may be the safest way to hire a photographer in the locality.

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