Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Family Portraits With Kauai Photographer

By Nick Galante

I am a Kauai family portrait photographer. I have been shooting Kauai beach portraits for over twenty five years. I prefer to work at a great south shore beach where I know what the sun will be doing every day of the year. By working at a familiar location I am able to control all aspects of my Kauai family beach portraits.

Of all my asssignments my favorite is the multi-family reunion. In many instances this will be the only time everyone gets together in years. What better reason for a Kauai family portrait. Having a camera with a large family on the beach is always a great opportunity for wonderful photos.

I market my photo sessions as a Kauai fun family activity rather than a stiff portrait session. Other than dinner or maybe a boat trip this is probably the best way for a large group to interact in a unique way. There is always the hey let's do the photo where I am holding you in my arms like we did when we were 18 type of thing going on and I love that. My main goal other than great photos of course is that everyone has a fun time."

Young children don't have much patience for family portraits so I try to get the formal groupings done first followed by fun activities. By this time the kids have forgotten they are having their photo taken. We are running through the surf, walking on the beach and jumping off sand cliffs. With all this wild stuff going on my prime concern is that everyone stays safe. I try to be aware of everyone's physical limitations.

I have been able to construct my lifestyle pretty much around the beach. I usually do one assignment a day in the late afternoon and try to get in some bodysurfing in the morning. On many evenings I can be found with my wife and two daughters on the beach at sunset enjoying pupu's and a bottle of wine. I have lived and worked on Kauai for over twenty five years and sometimes have been too busy to enjoy it when I spent fifteen years working for a defense contractor. Now I just concentrate on my business helping families produce great portraits and keeping an island lifestyle with my family.

About the Author:

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