Sunday, July 29, 2012

Great Photography Tips To Help Anyone Take Pictures Like A Pro

By Dan Feildman

Undoubtedly no other industry has seen such tremendous growth like the photography business has in the past 20 years. With the advent of digital technology the joy of taking photographs has become accessible even to children. Digital technology has not only given us immediate photo satisfaction, since we no longer have to wait for film development, but better quality photos as well.

Cameras on the market today are priced to fit everyone's budget and the the point and click ease with which you can now take photos guarantees everyone can now enjoy this wonderful art. Digital technology allows people to either develop their photos on their own, using photo editing computer software programs, or print their photos directly from their cameras or memory cards. You can even distribute your photos to family and friends through email or photo sharing websites.

Yet for some people digital photography is more than point and shoot; many people consider photography a form of art and believe that taking a photograph requires planning, patience, and effort.

The following are a few tips for taking better pictures:

1. Try to eliminate shadows on your subject when taking photos on bright sunny days. You can do this by using your cameras flash feature which should get rid of shadows that might appear when the sun is at an angle.

2. Highlight your subjects with appropriate backgrounds. If your background is too fussy or distracting you will take the eye off the main subject and potentially ruin your photograph.

3. To avoid having strangers in your photos pay attention to what is going on around you. Try to take the photo when there are no distractions.

4. Give directions when taking photographs. There is nothing wrong with giving out directions when taking award winning shots! Especially for those group shots for special occasions, such as a wedding pictorial. You want to make sure you have a lasting souvenir of this event that everyone can look back on fondly. Instruct people to smile, ask them to fix their hair if it's unruly, etc.

5. When taking outdoors shots photographers should avoid going head to head with the sun. This makes the people in the picture appear as if they are enshrouded in shadows!

6. The best photos are those that are unplanned and not staged. Candid photos are more exciting to look at and are enjoyed more.

Practice and patience are the key elements to taking great photographs. Don't let your life's memories pass you by, take photographs of the ones you love.

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