Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Photography Tips That Can Have You Shooting Like A Pro

By Augustus Mays

One way that many people use to express their creativity, is through photography. With photography, you can use a camera to capture moments in life through ways that many people have never imagined. Lenses and filters change what we see with our eyes and make it seem like another world. Anyone can practice photography, especially, if you use the tips in this article.

Try moving your subject to the left or right of the screen, instead of having them in the center of the picture. Use the rule of thirds. To do this, imagine there is a grid on the screen with three lines going horizontally and two going vertically. Some cameras do have the grid option. To create balance, place your subject where the lines come together.

Set up some basic programs for your DSLR camera. By setting some of the basic values ahead of time, you don't have to mess with them in the event that you want to get a shot in, in a short amount of time. Instead, you just press the button and start shooting.

If you want to take good black and white pictures, the most important thing, is to be able to understand the subtlety on how to play with light and shade. A good place to start when learning about light and shade, is a book that is specifically geared at black and white photography. After that, you will just have to practice what you read about.

When composing shots, set your white balance manually, instead of relying on the automatic settings. Setting your white balance manually gives you more control over the contrast and mood of your photo. You can make photos look more stark or more natural, and it's all up to you. Don't let the computer program decide how your photos will look.

When taking a picture, try to take one at a medium distance and then take one closer. You may decide later on that a picture would have looked better had you taken it a little closer. Also, try to make sure your subject is toward the center of the picture.

If you are going to be taking pictures in low lighting areas, you may want to consider lowering the camera's f/stop (aperture) setting. This will allow the aperture to open to its widest setting, which in turn, allows the most light available to pass through the lens and the shutter as well.

Use the natural light that shines through a window to light your photos. This light is soft and diffused after it passes through the window pane and will create a beautiful light on your subject. Place your subject directly in the light of the window and you will be quite pleased with the results.

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