Saturday, September 7, 2013

How To Teach Piano To A Beginner

By Helene Norris

People interested in learning the piano can enroll in a music school to learn this. There are also parents who want their kids to learn this and these ones may prefer to have instructors at their homes to teach their kids. For many instructors however, it is quite a challenge to instruct beginners and they therefore need guidelines on how to teach piano to first timers.

It is important first that the teacher gets to know about the expectations of his student before beginning classes. This is so that he can set goals to be achieved by the student at the end of training. Also as the professional gets to learn about his student, he should become aware of the kind of music the learner likes to listen to. The reason for this is to set the practice lessons based on the genre a student likes.

Understanding the student is not a one day process as the instructor will be able to learn more about the person throughout the process. The teacher should find appropriate materials of learning for the student. Also the teacher should research of the various teaching methods to use in this process and use the most appropriate for a learner.

To make the first lessons fun; the instructor can give the student an orientation lesson of what a piano is. He should let the learner know of the different parts of piano, the keyboard and difference between white and black keys. Orientation helps develop interest in the learner and makes them anticipate the day they are going to play the instrument on their own.

As an instructor, one ought to also take keen interest on finger and motor skills of a learner when practicing the piano. This way the teacher can show the student good positioning of fingers on keyboard, a posture to keep when practicing as well as wrist positioning. It may take some time before the student learns how to maintain all the right postures and finger coordination but once they get it, it will become a habit.

In order to pick the best method of teaching, the instructor ought to understand the learning speed of a person. This way the individual will use a method that is appropriate for a person be it fast or slow learner. There are those people who understand things slowly and such people can get discouraged when they do not receive proper encouragement. Therefore the professional must ensure to always encourage such a student and not ignore him.

Usually, an instruction book for beginners starts with middle c or major c. The teacher should ensure that a learner is aware of all this as it is crucial throughout the learning procedure. After some time of teaching, the student should also be exposed to recitals in front of some audience. This will ensure a person practices a lot. A lot of practice ensures the individual becomes perfect.

With this information, professionals get guidance on how to teach piano to first timers. Throughout the process one should ensure to take note of the progress of a learner to ensure that he is on the right track. Also the professional should be serious with the classes to ensure that learners take classes seriously too.

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