Monday, September 9, 2013

Neil Diamond Impersonators For Your Event

By Kate McMahon

Whether it is a wedding, a corporate event or a product launch it helps to add a bit of stardom to proceedings. While it may be prohibitively expensive to get a celebrity it is possible to get a lookalike or tribute act. Knowing how to find the best Neil Diamond impersonators and tribute acts will help you to get the most fun from your event.

The first thing to consider is the kind of event you want to do. You may want someone who sings and provides a concert for the fans. This is ideal for people who would love to hear the man himself in person but may not be able to afford to travel to a live concert. While it may not quite be the real thing the best tribute acts are often in demand in and of themselves.

However while a tribute act may be more expensive they are also potentially a very big draw. Indeed quite a few over the years have become popular bookings in and of themselves. This is why it pays to do a bit of research as you could end up getting an event that is bigger and higher in demand than you anticipated!

Physical appearance is important when choosing an impersonator. It is not worth spending the money hiring them if you have to explain to your guests who they are! Reference photos and research is important so that you can carefully check to see if the person suits the image people have of their idol. In some cases it may be possible to get one that resembles the man during specific periods during his career. While accuracy is important often it is about an idealised image rather than an accurate Method actor portrayl!

The impersonator themselves also needs to show that they know Neil Diamond as well. After all the people who approach them are likely to be fans and it is important to recognise their passion. Ideally you also want someone who can reasonably sound like him and can put on a good performance.

After you have seen videos it becomes easier to narrow down the options. Ideally you ought to meet the impersonators in person, regardless of whether they represent themselves or get work via an agency. This can then give you a more accurate idea of whether they are appropriate for the event you want to put on. It is also a good chance to discuss more practical issues such as how long they can stay an event and what kind of service they can offer.

With an agency it is easier to find someone who is specifically suitable for what you want. You can then talk to them about fees such as liability insurance, travel and so on. Whether they are working for an agency or as an individual you ought to be able to get details about how long they can stay at an event and how much this will cost.

Like any service it is worth comparing what is available. You ought to be able to find what individuals and agencies can provide Neil Diamond impersonators in your local area. Comparing the quality of acts and the cost will make it easier to find the right one to suit your event.

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