Thursday, September 26, 2013

Numerous Ways To Acquire A Blues Education

By Dale Peck

Interested persons have many opportunities to obtain a satisfactory Blues education. The modern era has increased the possibilities. Aspiring musicians were more restricted before. For instance, schooling was less of an intellectual exercise. Theoretical analysis was not on offer. Learning was acquired on the job. Regional culture and the local environment provided the inspiration for enterprising artists.

Learning on the job remains an available option. But, the possibility of formal schooling means a broader perspective can be gained prior to any public exposure. As illustrated by the career development of Shun Kikuta, a mix of both expedites the maturation process. The musician from Japan was educated at Berklee, before he was inspired by a BB King record. His subsequent learning was through practical experience. By joining musicians in Chicago he was able to study on the job. His craft was refined with experience. Formal schooling developed skills he was able to exercise in his chosen career. For students not immersed in its nuances through experience, an introduction in school offers a route to deeper knowledge.

The guitar tradition exemplified by B. B. King is a direct descendant of the style inspired by Blind Lemon Jefferson. This manner of playing was prominent in Oklahoma and Texas during the 1920s. Jefferson has been recorded doing the single string solos. He inspired other guitarists and the influence is reflected in King. Understanding historical roots is part of building expertise. This type of learning is imparted at music schools. Successful musicians who learn and use the concepts and musical elements expand their musical foundation. They enhance their ability to add more depth and feeling to whatever style they play after this experience.

The evolutional trajectory of this form of music offer plenty of material for years of in depth study. Its different subgenres and number of instruments presents additional layers of accumulated richness. At the post-secondary level, a specialized focus can be sharpened. Yet younger students are served well enough with lessons that expose them to its distinctive sounds with some discussions of history to add context. In class, a new window is opened by introducing students to this American product born of real word conditions in the past. As modern music has many elements borrowed from the blues, such knowledge expands the possibilities. Further exploration of other genres in the future will only be enriched by earlier exposure to this art form.

Musical institutional offerings, working experience and web based learning tools offer different options for any aspiring musicians today. Study tools such as videos make it easy even for teachers not versed in the subject to teach their pupils in school. Accessible resources are available online to assist school teachers.

These resources include lesson plans. Exposing youngsters through classroom exercises gives them knowledge they may use later to decide what they want to learn when they grow up. The more information at their disposal the better opportunity they have to make an informed choice about specialization.

Video teaching material now also offers an improved experience. Aspiring musicians can obtain a better grasp of the form from new material that has been recently introduced. Theoretical analysis and form has been available to encourage budding musicians develop their own creativity.

Blues education resources continue to improve. Time is a friend in this regard. Whatever the level of interest, the variety on offer is able to fulfill the need.

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