Wednesday, October 9, 2013

What You Have To Know When Choosing A Jazz Guitar Amp

By Angel Dudley

Purchasing a jazz guitar amp is usually what a person needs to do after he or she has bought a guitar. Amplifiers play a crucial role in determining how guitars sound. They normally improve the sound of the guitar as well as amplifying their sound. The amplifier a person buys matters a lot. They come in different qualities, and good quality ones can make normal guitars sound good. The opposite is equally true. That is why musicians do say that guitars are as good as their amplifiers.

Getting a good amplifier requires one to know the types that are available in the market. Basically, there are four types in the market. The one that gives you the best results does not necessarily have to be the costliest. You should get one which is best suited for your music equipment.

The first amplifier type is the tube type. This type is the first amplifier type made commercially available. They usually generate rich warm sounds. These amplifiers use glass tubes, and make the loudest sounds between the different types. However, these equipments are relatively huge, and their maintenance is also costly. Thus, you ought to be careful whenever you are moving them.

The second one is the solid state. These use transistors instead of tubes. This makes them very good for heavy use, as well as makes them handy. However, at higher frequencies these amplifiers have to be finely tuned or else they may produce harsh and distorted sounds. Quite a number of players prefer the solid-state amplifiers, while others have reported that it does not produce the original sound quality.

The third type of amplifiers is the digital ones. These are very trendy and use digital technology in sound amplification. Digital amplifiers mimic a great range of sounds, including that produced by tube amplifiers. Sound distortion is also possible with these amplifiers. Cheaper ones sometimes sound synthetic. As such, if you desire great sound from a jazz guitar you own, then you must look for a sophisticated digital amplifier. They produce quality sound to match that of produced by a tube amp.

The hybrid amplifier is the last type. This type combines technologies used in tube and solid-state amplifiers. The amplifier tone is derived from tube technology and power from solid-state technology. These provide cheaper options to tube amplifiers, more so if you desire sound of similar quality to that produced by tube amplifiers.

Jazz players have different preferences when it comes to choosing amplifiers for guitars. A great majority use the tube amplifiers because of the acoustic sounding. However, there are also several other well-known guitarists that use the solid-state amplifiers. These also produce great sounds. The choice solely lies with the guitarist.

The sound type, distance to be traveled, amplifier cost and the amount of jazz guitar amp usage determine the type of amplifier someone buys. Of importance to note is that the sound, or music made is also determined by the guitarist. A poor guitarist will always make poor music even if he or she is given best quality tools.

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