Sunday, February 15, 2015

How To Have A Successful Marching Band Show

By Katina Brady

Bands are there because of one thing in common, they provide music to the people. But most importantly, it is to provide entertainment through the things that they are doing. When there are open events, usually directors try to hire bands to entertain the crowd or give a breather for the audiences. There are those that start as an opener. And there are also some that are made for intermissions and they perform during breaks.

Many people get confused when they hear about bands and music. This is because there are also different types. There are those that mainly sings, others have to be carrying their own instruments. Then there are just some who are marching with drums and bugles with them. Out of all the three, people find it less appealing to watch a marching band show. If you are a director, you should do your best to showcase a good performance.

There are several ways to do that. If you are considered a professional in the business, then good for you and your band. But you have to know that groups like these are usually only seen during school assemblies. If you want to make it big, you need to polish all the skills that you have.

In this case, you need to work together to give the people something different. There is always the notion that most marching exercises are very boring. But if you pushed a little farther you have the right attitude, your team might just gain recognition for your routines. Aside from that, you can follow the steps below for guidance.

Each of the members need to be synchronized when formations are being made. But this would not be possible if you do not put them in their proper place. There are others who have more skills than most. If you make an effort to bring this out, you might have a wonderful segment during the entire routine. These are the little details that matter.

You would need a guiding theme. This will make the viewers understand what you are trying to show them. And thinking of something would be very hard if you are on your own. During this stage, you have to talk and encourage the others to impart their ideas so that you can find the perfect concept to follow.

When you are set with what you want to do, you need to have a plan. In the term of experts, there must be a blueprint to guide each and every one. This will determine the exact position changes, how to do it and where you will exactly end up for the next formation. All of the little details can be discussed during this time since it would be clearer for everyone to see the entire picture.

There are transitions and these happens when they have to change formation. It is important that you change your formation every now and then. This means that the transition would have to be fast. Experts say that it should be lesser than one minute to build the anticipation of the crowd.

Proper integration of music and beats to the formation is also important. This means that you also have to be careful in choosing your music. If you have good formations but no good music, it will fail.

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