Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Jazz Music As A Genre

By Katina Brady

This music has been existent for a very long period of time, over a hundred years and it is still loved by many. It has its origin from the African-American community who highly place a high sense of pride in it. Its what defines them and their culture and this is the reason for the great amount of love placed on it. The information below is all about jazz music as a genre.

Early forms of compositions such as the blues helped in coming up with this type of euphony. Others are work songs which the slaves used to hum to during their times in the field when they used to be forced to work for the white settlers. They acted as motivation songs during this period of time.

Unlike other forms of compositions, this cannot be done by a one man effort. It has to be composed of the contribution of all the members involved in coming up with the songs. This calls for a great deal of team work hence a lot of cooperation is needed and there cannot any form of bad blood between individuals of the same team.

Depending on the mood of the performer, his experience in this field over the years and also based on how he interacts with fellow musicians and the members of audiences, he may choose to add some melodies of his own just to add flavor and originality to his performance on stage and this highly improve the reception of this composition.

Jazz has an advantage of marking the history of African-American society, conserving their culture and often reminding them where they came from. They take a lot of pride in acknowledging the struggle they had to go through to get where they are today hence that is the reason why a lot of love is placed on it.

In contrast to the above, there are some groups of communities who do not appreciate jazz. They base their argument on the fact that it reminds them of past years, which they would rather put locked up in the back of their heads. The sound of same tunes sadly do not give them any joy; but as stated above, these are just a minority as majority d the people are huge fans and would pay a lot of money to attend such concerts.

One of the major challenges that face people of this music sector is that the generations of today prefer other musical types and jazz is not as popular as it used to be. It is depreciating at a fast rate and efforts have to be made to save it. This can be done through teaching it in the institutions of higher learning.

In conclusion, jazz is a very unique type of music and though it has its origin in the olden days, it s very interesting and people should be advised to look into it and embrace it. Technology has played a hand in this by providing access in the various social media sites and other websites such as YouTube. This is because culture should always be conserved at all means possible.

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