Sunday, February 8, 2015

Observing Good Violin Hand Posture And Other Tips

By Beryl Dalton

For you to be able to play an instrument perfectly, you must practice continuously or frequently. And there are guidelines for the proper position and posture to make sure that you can execute it right. There are different instruments that you can play but that does not mean that you are limited to one. There are other people who can play various types. If you think that you have mastered one particular set, you can move on to the next if you wish.

If you ask someone, they would likely tell you to go with the violin option. There are various musical instruments that you can choose, but this is what you will see in the list frequently. In every instrument that you want to learn, it takes a lot of hard work. But all of this would be useless if you cannot practice and give your all because you did not follow the violin hand posture properly which can cause muscles strains.

When it comes to the positions that you can use to hold the violin, there are several types. You just have to choose the position you feel you would be able to play well. And if you follow the tips for a better playing postures below, you will have the physical ability to continue your practices.

Before you go to practice, stretch first. This will allow you to relax your muscles and prepare them for their work. If you can notice, this is what athletes do before they go to the game and after they play as well. Since the muscles being used in playing an instrument is more specific, see to it that they are well stretched.

It is basic knowledge that one should always sit up straight. You need to make sure that your back and spine is straight. This is also applicable in being a musician. If you ever choose to sit, be certain that you are sitting right. This will help avoid having back aches afterwards. And if you keep it up, you will also not have to endure bad posture.

Shoulder pads are very essential because sooner or later, you would feel the ache in the part where your muscles and the hard wood touches. There are musicians who do not prefer to wear this because it is bulky and they are uncomfortable. But, with the many available options in the market, you will surely find the type that you need. If you do not want something that is bulky, it is also available today.

One thing that you should always remember is to not grip the bow too tightly. This will make the movements more forceful. And consequently, you would feel a dull or sharp ache in your shoulders right after every rehearsal. Try to practice loose grips even when the music is already very dramatic.

It is always good to have the sheets on the right level, this would be the level of your eyes. This is very important. If you do listen to this technique you will be slouching. It would be better if you practice while sitting, this way, you can put the sheets just right. If you choose to stand, the sheets should be elevated as well so you would not have to hunch your back.

Always know your limits. It is not good to always practice for several hours without rest. This would put a strain in your muscles. And this would also put a strain on your performance. To avoid this, always rest in between practices.

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