Sunday, February 22, 2015

Where To Get The Best Lounge Music Albums

By Olivia Cross

The inclusion of outer-space feel, island experience and jungle atmosphere into music creates a relaxing and tranquil appeal. This is what may be described as lounge music as it existed several decades ago. The availability of technology has enhanced the genre and made it more available to musical diehards.

Present day tracks are more energetic leaving a huge gap compared to what existed several decades ago. Possessing a single with this kind of music or an album becomes an achievement. Artists who ruled their era included Arthur Layman, Martin Denny and Les Baxter. During their reign, they managed to sell millions of albums and dominate the airwaves. Their tracks can still be heard in exclusive radio stations and selected lounges.

Over the decades, artists producing tracks for lounges have faded into the background. This has made it difficult to secure an album with tracks in this genre. In other cases, the tracks are not available in a format that can play on present day entertainment devices. This has limited access for enthusiasts who still revere the genre.

Producers have found a way of reinventing the tracks by copying them into updated storage materials and formats. This means that the songs are available in such formats as MP4 and smartphones compatible modes. The challenge is that such albums are often released as limited versions. Their prices are high and out of reach for common folks.

The emergence of online entertainment stores comes as a relief to diehard fan who can not access the albums from other platforms. Some websites allow free download while others are available at a fee. Such tracks are difficult to distribute in large numbers because the audience is small and selective. The producers who own the copyright are also not open to mass distribution in an attempt to protect their profits. Despite changing the format, the original relaxing feel is maintained.

Modern artists have picked rhythms, lyrics or melodies of old songs and recorded renditions. They are mainly referred to as re-mixes. They maintain the original feel but also have a touch of modernity. They seek to take advantage of available technology and equipment to enhance the tracks. This serves to increase popularity of the genre as well as expand its appeal.

Lounge tracks have also been made popular by radio stations either specializing or offering slots for this category. Some of the stations stream the tracks live through the internet. The availability of information about the artists has attracted more people to the stations and shows.

It is possible to get a classical album as it appeared decades ago. The price of these albums is magnified by the sentimental value attached to the pieces. It means that you will pay a heavy price for the classical album. The matter is complicated by the fact that they are only available during auctions. The album therefore goes to the highest bidder.

The genre is being resurrected by present-day artists through renditions or production of similar tracks. This category faces stiff competition from more progressive and dynamic genres that are supported by the latest technology. It is possible to find the tracks being included in classical movies or playing in exclusive night clubs. The soft and relaxing musical feels makes the tracks ideal for comedies.

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