Friday, July 6, 2018

Information On How To Submit Videos To MTV

By Daniel Harris

In the event that you need to have your music video played on music TV, the entire process is mind boggling. This is particularly troublesome for musicians who have no particular record label or promoter. In spite of the fact that MTV never again plays videos, MTV2 is accessible. This channel has a gigantic library and presenting your video is as yet a choice in the event that you need to get some exposure. It is essential to know how to submit videos to MTV.

Before you can send your video to music television you need to prepare the submission properly. You can make contact with the music channel though the contact form they have on their website. Another way is to send a direct email to the manager of programming and music.

Additionally, contact details for key MTV staff can likewise be found on their site. Make sure to be clear about your expectations in your title and message. Include a link of your profile in the email as well. You will receive details about how to do the submission package from the email you use. You will receive a submission form and instructions on the best format for the video.

You have to fill the submission form accordingly. Read all instructions to ensure that you get all details accurately. Your video has to match the format specified in the instructions. You should also include your contact information such as phone numbers, emails and mailing address. If you are not an independent artist then you need to declare your publicity contact.

You need to compose a bio and a promotion sheet. This ought to be close to a page each. Your profile ought to portray your music vocation, and it should feature any achievements, for example, grants, and significant performances you have been associated with. For instance, in the event that you opened for a noteworthy artist at a show in your city, make sure to incorporate this in your profile.

On the promotion sheet guarantee you compose something that is appealing concerning why you ought to be given a chance. This is an essential piece of the submission. You have to showcase your programming team that has produced the video.

After filling out everything you can now submit the package. If possible, you can submit all content through the email address you used to contact MTV. Another alternative is to mail hard copies. It is important to confirm that everything is well arranged and in the right formats so that the staff can take a look without problems.

The subsequent stage is to sit tight for affirmation from the music channel. Whatever you can do at this stage is to keep a watch out for MTV playing your video. Odds are high you will get an affirmation when the application is delivered. The studio will later give you a notice of dismissal or acknowledgment. In spite of the fact that not all recordings submitted are played, it is worth a shot. You get the chance to take in a ton about the workings of the music industry regardless of whether your video is played or not. Feel free to try another time if you are not successful.

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