Thursday, July 12, 2018

The New And Unique Sound Of Indie Rock Music Video Promotion

By George Martin

A new and unique sound emerges. Everyone stands still and waits. And then it happens. A blast of harmonious sound fills the air to the delight of avid fans. A sound distinct from what one usually hears, the indie rock music video promotion.

It cuts across generations and across age brackets in whatever form it takes and where ever it can be heard. Some prefer fast and upbeat tempos while others love slower and melodious rhythm. It stems from both teen ager to aged folks, whether man or woman as an artistic expression of a persons soul.

Age groups sometimes have a certain preference on what type or genre they like. Nevertheless, even within that same group there people who like a certain types more than what the others like. It has such a big audience and followers. A very big audience can vary in musical taste as groups or as individuals.

Independent producers are often those with great talent but who lack connections with major recording labels. It is a do it yourself type of venture. Keen eyed companies, even those not industry related do sometimes strike it big by sponsoring up and coming talent. This sponsorship provides exposure both for the company and individual or a bunch of persons who otherwise would not have the resource to promote the unique sound.

There are many indie groups. Indie refers to independent record labels as opposed to established record labels. These groups create sounds and rhythms according to their own taste and genre. Records are often produced by themselves or sometimes in collaboration with major sponsors.

Big events oftentimes are done at big venues costing more to produce and promote. As result of this entrances to these are considerably more expensive. Another factor that adds up to cost is the demand for the performers. The expectations for such performances by topnotch vocalists and instrument players are so high that prices to be at events like this skyrocket. This will not deter the avid fans of these performances.

Society has different manifestations and sophistication of art, traditions, customs, and norms. These in turn evolve as the influx of other values and preference become an integral part. But no matter the differences in this aspect, the sound of a melody diminishes that difference. Melodious tunes and sound can touch the soul of any human being. It lifts the soul and the spirit and nourishes enjoyment and happiness.

The effect of transnational migration and exchange of population and ideas bring about a subtle change to a certain culture. Some old values are forgotten become non-existent and new ones are accepted and incorporated. This results in favoring a specific type and genre or not favoring one.

Despite all the changes going on in this world one thing remains constant and truly universal. No nation can live without it. It is there in times of war and peace. It awakes the slumber of feelings that have died. It can make you laugh and it can make you cry. It can make restless dreams become reality. Without it the world is a bore. We thank God for it. We cherish and love it. It is this thing called music, a cacophony of sound and harmony that brings a smile to the lips.

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