Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Violin Appraisal Does Not Have To Be Difficult

By Kenneth Smith

You have just cleaned out your attic. You noticed that there was an old violin sitting in the corner in its case and wondered what you are going to do with it. Playing it sounds a bit interesting, but you are not sure it even plays. You knew how to play at one time and not sure that you still remember. You think that maybe you should get a violin appraisal to see what its value is.

A qualified appraiser may exist in your local town or you may have to look outside of your area. Look into all of the possibilities to see what works the best for you. It is good to keep an open mind when looking for new ideas like this if you are not knowledgeable about it.

Look for the fairest price you can find. After you have talked to a few people about it, you will then need to decide whether or not you want to keep it or sell it. You may have wanted to play for many years. You may already know how to play. If you do, pick it up and play it. See how it makes you feel. Perhaps you will want to continue.

Various websites may offer you some good information. You may be able to trust the appraisers that you have already gone to, but it never hurts to look on your own. You could get some more appraising done over the Internet, too. Look into all of the possibilities.

You could also pay admission to go into a show where people from different places come together to show off their skills at appraising instruments, antiques, or cars. Find out when the next convention like this is happening in your area. Find out what the dates are and the cost to get in. Be willing to get out of your comfort zone so you can meet others and get to know them for friendship and help finding the market value for your instrument.

Do not be afraid to reach out to people that you do not know and try to get to know them. They can be a support to you in ways that you may have not imagined. Network and get to know people there and by word of mouth, you can get your needs met with figuring out the cost of your violin.

Try to negotiate a cost if you find someone may even want to purchase it from you. They be more knowledgeable than you in this area so do not let anyone take advantage of your lack of knowledge. You will most likely find someone who is honest and can give you a fair guess at its market value.

Be consistent when trying to find the right appraisal. You will be surprised at the way that markets fluctuate. Prices go up and then they go down. It is not always stable get a good price for it when the time seems right. Getting advice about the instability of the market may help you decide which direction to go in.

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