Saturday, February 19, 2011

Digital Camera Facts For The Non Technical Minded.

By Mark Debias

There is tons of information that exists in the world about digital cameras. What they are, what they do, how they do it, and most importantly which is the most suited one for me. Sure you can allocate innumerable time on the internet toiling over one web page after another, but who has the time to do that?

If you are seeking a photographer to explain the science of digital cameras then this is not the right article for you. I just honestly enjoy taking pictures and having the memories to store that go along with it. This article is solely a reference manual of many of the specs you will run into when out purchasing your camera. Although it is not required to know what your camera does in order to use it I do believe it will help you get the most fun out of it.

One part of digital cameras that frustrates people are the specifications and what all the numbers honestly mean. The most encountered of these specs that you will find is the megapixel rating, what is a megapixel you ask? Well, it is the number of small dots your picture is made up of. When you make your photo larger, or even when it is smaller to a extent, the quantity of megapixels will decide how clear and full the picture is. There is more to the total picture quality then just your mp or megapixel rating however, flash, zoom and focus ratings also play a major role.

Zoom is another important spec to notice when making a choice on a camera. As you may have already figured out zoom is all about making objects look closer. There are two different styles of zooms and it is in our best interests to learn a little about both. Optical zoom is what we for the most part want to concentrate on and tells us how close we can pull in objects. Real world example would be there is a tree 300 feet away, with a 2x zoom it would be possible to make that tree appear in the photo like it was twice as close or only 150 feet away. Digital zoom on the other hand is nifty but when you digitally zoom in it will just take your photo and expand it out leaving you with a fuzzy, less pretty photo. When you are searching for a camera the only thing that I would be paying attention to would be the optical zoom.

Last up we will look at flash. A flash is exactly like it sounds, a flash of light that goes off before the photo is captured and allows you to see objects in dim lighting. On digital cameras a lot of the flash quality has to do with how large the flash is, as well as how good the auto detection software in the camera is. This software speaks to the flash and lets it know when to go off.

There is a lot more to research about digital cameras then what I have time to divulge here. I advocate finding one or two really great resources on digital cameras and buying at a respected dealer that will take care of you. I personally am a fan of buying online as that is always where the greatest deals and largest selection are. Be sure to not forget that taking pictures should be enjoyable and not a added stress to your vacations and family outings.

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