Monday, February 28, 2011

Top Travel Destinations: Grand Cayman

By Becky Padmore

Grand Cayman is a beautiful Caribbean island which is known as a tax havan and also for its tropical beauty. Its the largest of the three islands in the Cayman Islands, a rich territory of the United Kingdom George Town. Grand Cayman is a very popular hot spot and here is a guide to making the most out of your stay:

Places to Eat - The Cayman islander's are very into their food and you'll find an abundance of restaurants, bars and cafes. Seafood features a lot in the restaurants and you can be ensured it's very fresh! The Cracked Conch restaurant is very popular because of the incredible views over the ocean.

Shopping-Georgetown is the capital of Grand Cayman and the best shopping location it's mostly made up of local art and craft stores. The Cayman Craft Market is open almost daily and affords visitors the opportunity to pick up unique souvenir from their trip to the island.

Many people visit the famous Tortuga Rum Company founded in 1984, this company pioneered the first locally labeled rums in the Caymans, developing into the largest retail and duty-free liquor business in the little archipelago. Its most famous brands are Tortuga Gold, Rum Cream, Coffee Liqueur, Orange Rum Liqueur, and the 12-year-old Tortuga Gold Rum. Also try the other shops as every here is tax free!

Places to See- The Pedro St. James Castle, the oldest structure in Cayman is a must see as well as the Turtle Farm. The idea behind the farm is an ecological effort to prevent the over-fishing of turtles in the wild and repopulate the oceans diminishing Green Sea Turtle. In the last number of years the farm has successfully released over 40,000 turtles into the wild.

There is also some interesting scenery which is amusingly named Hell! On the West side of the island is an area where millions of years of erosion have left the landscape with a barren and blackened look. It's an extraordinary place and well worth the trip.

Grand Cayman is also known for it's famous and paradise like beaches. There are plenty to choose from but make sure you visit the best, the seven mile beach, at least once. You won't regret it!

Also another great activity is diving, snorkelling or any other water sports you can think of! Grand Cayman offers many of these, just head to Rum Point a lovely places with has many cute restaurants, bars and cafes serving great seafood.

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