Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Growing Popularity Of Miniature Works Of Art

By Jason L. Wadsworth

There are factors to look at with miniature paintings: the size, technique and proportions of the subject of the painting. This kind of art started in the Western world using illumination of manuscripts to bring the best out of them. They are small works of art that include portraits of subjects like angels and saints. Some are of sceneries that come from daily life in the Middle Ages.

When the printing press came into being, manuscript artists started painting these small portraits and other like works for their private patrons but also most of these were seen being done for royalty. They were usually carried in bags or pockets of the owners just like the way people carry photos of their dear ones today.

The miniatures require very accurate and detailed work that takes the use of several materials, platforms for their work. They require a basic composition and also a wide range of colors.

These works of art have a standard size of 5x7 inches or less, which includes the frames too. The very large ones measure up to 11x14 inches.

Occasionally you can find the artists that can do any size required of them as they only want to go by the miniature label. They would do any size as long as it is smaller than what would be considered as life size. These are the ones you would see doing murals.

They are very common now for various reasons, like they can be hung on walls in apartments as well as offices. They are really useful and look wonderful on decorating walls as a unique design when they are grouped together as a method of designing the interiors. Large pictures have found their match in these miniatures.

Then they are obviously more affordable as compared to the large paintings that are now quite expensive. That is another reason why most guys now go for original miniatures.

Then another creative way of using these original miniature art is to decorate shelves, coffee tables, fireplace mantles and so on. They are great for decorating homes plus they are just wonderful gift items for dear ones, colleagues, clients, and employees, not to say new homeowners.

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