Sunday, November 11, 2012

Better Photos Using A Speedlite Softbox

By Madeline Finch

As most any professional photographer will agree, the lighting used can definitely make or break the success of the finished product. To much illumination can wash the subject out completely, yet too little and there is nothing to see but dark spots and shadows. Many people find that the perfect way to eliminate this problem is to use a well- placed speedlite softbox.

This is one of those accessories that any serious photographer is going to insist be part of their camera kit because it allows them a lot of control. The portability of this item is one factor that makes it useful, especially in situations where studio lighting is needed yet can not be used. It makes the perfect flash for taking promo shots, portraits, weddings and even photos of properties.

Some of the advantages of this type of flash are the quality of light it provides and the many ways in which it may be used. The source of lighting is indirect and diffused which allows for a lot of creativity in how it can be directed at the subject. The softer illumination lets the photographer have near complete control over the shadows cast and the finished look of the photo.

The unique lighting conditions are achieved by the construction of the product. It starts with a speedlite, which is a small, portable, battery powered flash that emits an intense strobe style of light. This bulb is enclosed by a softbox which is constructed to have on side that is reflective while the other three are black with the open end being covered by a diffuser.

This construction design takes that intense flash and disperses it in an even pattern that greatly decreases the chance of producing harsh glares in the photos. When this source is directed towards a wall or the ceiling, the reflected light is of a softer nature that gives the shot a dreamy look. This gentle illumination provides a very flattering glow to the subject of the photograph.

Though most often used in taking portraits, there are several other situations in which this product is beneficial. It is great for still life and product shots where a table top camera is used. It is also effective at bringing out the details in the foreground of landscape photographs.

The different sizes and styles of these flashes gives them great versatility. When a small one is placed on the camera, it allows for simple portability and easy shooting without worrying about placement. Used as an independent stand-up light source, the photographer can set the direction of illumination so that it remains constant despite the angle from which the shot is taken.

A speedlite softbox allows a photographer near complete control over the quality of light that appears in their work. It is important that the lighting be just right to avoid many exposure issues from extreme brightness to total shadow domination, any of which can make a photo appear completely unprofessional. The perfect amount of diffusing and softness can make the photo more than just good, it can make it outstanding.

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