Monday, November 19, 2012

The Fascinating World Of Nautical Photography

By Earnestine Raber

The field of nautical photography combines boundless opportunities for combining creative expression with life at sea. Obtaining good quality positive images photography requires the right equipment and a fair amount of training. Having a waterproof camera is, of course, essential. You don't need to go to an expensive photographic school or have a degree. A good photographer can develop expertise by watching hours and hours of training videos.

Whether you are commercially minded, artistically inclined, or a bit of both, there is a wealth of opportunities. There is enough work on a cruise ship to keep one or two photographers busy full-time. You could make a living photographing passengers aboard ship enjoying the time of their lives and provide them with a lifetime of happy memories. This is what positive photography is all about.

Images taken looking out from the ship are worth capturing. These include passing ships, wildlife, scenery and images of stunning sunsets. You need not confine yourself to cruise ships. Charter fishermen on deep sea boats would love to have a photograph or their day out, especially if they come home with a huge haul. Think about tourist cruises to view dolphins, whales or whatever the local attractions may be.

The dictionary definition of the term, 'nautical', refers to anything pertaining to sailors, navigation, or ships. This is a hint that there is a lot more to nautical photography than passengers and scenery. Sails, rigging, masts. All of these things provide intriguing angles that are worthy of being captured and shared.

Local businesses like to decorate their walls with examples of local positive images photography. Try offices, restaurants, beauty parlors, etc. A spectacular shot of the city's skyline from aboard ship, especially at night, can be a spectacular attraction. See if there is a characteristic plant or animal or other local attraction like a rock formation or a place of historical interest.

Turn your work into posters, postcards, place mats, anything that can bear a photographic image. Market your work online. Small businesses are always looking for artwork and images for their websites so here is a chance to sell your images electronically.

Once you have your images captured safely in your camera, you can use darkroom techniques or special editing software to modify or enhance them. Sepia tones can make your images look old and historical. Use some imagination with special effects or manipulate the colors. Nautical photography is a creative and potentially lucrative way of making a living and combining the joys of sailing with putting bread and fish on your dinner table.

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