Thursday, June 20, 2013

Benefits Of Music Festival North Carolina

By Lana Bray

Music festival North Carolina is a function held to appreciate what other people are doing in society. This means that, the people normally present various cultures belonging to various people. As such, trends in culture are appreciated as well as where the people have come from.

The songs done are not necessarily done by the people originating from the group whose practices they are trying to present. This therefore means that, modern people may present things that occurred in the past, people of a given tribe may present something done by another tribe, yet even people from a different country may as well present what is done by people from other different countries.

The gears of the musicians and dancers are not the modernized variety. Most of them are made of the original materials from which people used to make their attire before civilization set in. Some of these materials may be sisal or even some leaves of particular plants such as reed. These clothes are usually wrapped around the waists for men. For ladies, the garments are wrapped around the waist and the chest.

The presenters also must be adorned in various songs whatever they are presenting. Be it traditional pieces or modernized pieces. This means that, they must use ornaments made from materials that existed during their times. Those doing modern pieces normally use materials such as silver, gold and diamond as well. Those doing traditional pieces use ornaments made of animal parts such as feathers and even hooves or some beads obtained from particular plants

Modernized accompaniments such as trumpets, guitars and keyboards may be used when presenting modernized songs. Those used for traditional songs however are totally different. They include those such as animal horns, psalteries, beaded instruments as well as whistles and many others. The use of these instruments are a sign of appreciating what people are given or what a given culture of people use in their activities.

The festivals of this nature usually have massive benefits to both the participants and the spectators. The culture of different people is appreciated in the best ways possible and many people get to appreciate their origins as a result. Besides, the people get to learn how they could have led their lives were they living in the olden days like their fore fathers.

The demerits however also are a number. The people presenting these pieces of art may misrepresent another culture. This may provoke the individual owners of that particular culture, since they may not be in a position to understand that was not done intentionally. The musicians participating there also may tend to be more inclined towards these activities as opposed to more important things such as their academics. This may lead to bringing up people that are not productive in the society.

Music festival North Carolina has been a very fruitful undertaking to virtually every individual watching it happen. Many people have been enriched traditionally by everything that happens during these performances.

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