Saturday, June 15, 2013

The Vibrant Oil Paintings Of Donna Young Artist

By Mara Boone

Since the 1970s, Donna Young Artist has created a devoted audience to her breathtaking oil paintings filled with unique brushstrokes and gorgeous pops of color. Much like the style of impressionist Monet, her work contains beautiful scenes in nature using bright colors and smooth brushstrokes. Her modern take on impressionist work allows her work to appeal to many. As a painter, it is important that she uses her own personal style and innovative advertising techniques collectively to find lasting success.

Style: With innovative painters always creating and reworking classic styles, one has to remember to take her time in the beginning of a budding career. Patience and consistency brings a base audience into the type of work a painter is creating. Having established a specific fan base, a painter can begin playing with different techniques and resulting art pieces. Using feedback from fans, an artist can grow in their work and expand their style, opening up their work to many more potential fans and buyers. Finding a style that is unique and her own is key to success.

There are endless opportunities to spread the news about artwork. Being internet savvy has major rewards as one can use social media to promote and brand herself. Young currently has her own website as well as uses social media to promote her beautiful pieces. This allows her audience to direct potential fans and buyers to her work.

Selling: Through promotion and an established style, Donna Young made a name for herself early on in her career which allowed her the flexibility of selling to both private buyers and through galleries. Her distinct use of vivid color and everyday scenes give her work a comfortable, yet energetic, feel. This is a great selling point as her artwork does not overwhelm any type of home, giving her work the flexibility to be sold to any type of person.

With her ongoing success, Ms. Young is able to take on commission work for private buyers. As a painter, this is special and personal as she is able to paint something specific for someone who will treasure her work for years to come.

Internet: Online shops, galleries, websites, blogs and endless apps give any artist a chance to shine. It is a given that an established artist will find instant success at a fast rate using the web. Online shops allow everyone access to purchasing work. Galleries, blogs and apps help those who enjoy the paintings, a chance to share the pieces with their readers and viewers. Having a website gives a painter an online home for those interested to learn more about the artist.

Galleries: Hanson Gallery Arts, Lahaina Galleries, Inc. And Shaffer Fine Art are the current homes of Young's work. Each gallery helps to expose her beautiful paintings to more viewers and create potential sales and buzz regarding her work.

The use of standout talent and the use of quality advertising is pertinent to being a successful painter. Donna Young artist has established herself in the art world and her success is a direct result of her consistency and patience in moving up. Her style drew attention and continues to make her work noticeable and accessible.

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