Saturday, June 15, 2013

What To Consider When Getting Senior Pictures

By Lou Manning

When graduation from high school is eminent, one thing that must be on most students minds is their graduation picture. Knowing teenagers, the standards they have must be quite high and the disappointment level will surely be higher if that standard is not met. In Seattle, there are a quite a few good senior photographers qualified to make those high expectations a reality. Knowing who to hire will definitely result in quality Seattle senior pictures.

Having the right photographers is important because they can be a big help to you in preserving your memories. Good photographers usually have good instincts and would be able to help greatly in attending to your photographic needs. They can also be good consultants in case you are not particularly sure with how you want things to go. These are major reasons why it would be best to consider a few things first.

First thing should be the quality of their previous work. Do your homework and see for yourself how their past projects turned out. If it meets or better yet, exceeds your initial expectations, then perhaps you can say the search is going well.

Talent for artistic pursuits can sometimes come at a cost. Many artists and yes, this includes photographers are notoriously moody or are considered odd and hard to work with. Therefore, personality counts for something. Choose someone who is not likely to cause trouble and who you can see eye to eye with.

Consider the price for their services as well. Note that experienced ones will be more high end in terms of equipment and can and most likely will demand a high rate. Prioritize obtaining a good price but do not prioritize it above all others.

The output should generally be in your mind as well. Think about how you want your senior pictures to turn out and in what form they will be in. Maybe you can go for a traditional album or perhaps you prefer it digitalized. All of this can be discussed with the photographer.

Plan for the location too. A studio, if the photographer has one, would be a good choice. If not, then take some more time to plan it out. The location you want may not be available or if it is, it may not be for long, so this is a highly important aspect to consider as well.

For the length of the photo session, it may last around three hours due to all the necessary preparations needed. Hair and make up are vital to the session. Enough pictures ought to be taken by your chosen photographer within that time. Make sure there is an agreed upon time or scheduled appointment to avoid conflicts with other obligations and to not waste either time.

Once all the planning and searching for the right people has been accomplished, then perhaps you can breathe more easily now. Just sit back and let your chosen photographer do his or her thing. Good Seattle senior pictures can only be achieved with the right people and the right amount of thought and actions.

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