Saturday, June 22, 2013

Choosing Lenses For DSLR Cameras

By Mike Thompson

A large number of people absolutely adore their cameras since the image quality you can get from them is unrivalled. The hard part with such cameras is having to decide what lenses to buy for them as each camera requires a certain criteria to be fulfilled. Here, we will tell you exactly what you should look for in digital camera lenses.

The initial point to remember is that most companies don't make lenses that aren't compatible with their own cameras, like the Canon t3i bundle. So be aware of this point when buying lenses compatible with the camera you have at home.

There is a also a lot of technicalities when determining what lens to choose from so here is a quick tip. Keep in mind of what you want from your camera, whether its photo quality or zooming factors, as this will be the deciding factor.

Lenses range in focal lengths and as such, there are lenses in the mid range or standard lengths being anywhere between 35mm to 80mm. This is actually equivalent to what the human eye can see.

A shorter focal length will result in having a wider field of view of your desired subject. This is referred to as a wide angle lens, since it has a relatively short focus, but it is a little different from the mid range lenses as some quality is lost.

If you understand what you will be using the camera for predominantly you are more than likely able to discover the lens that is right for you. Will you be focussing on objects that are within short range distance or extremely far away? If far away then a zooming lens is probably best for you. You must first identify the need for your lens.

Buying a wide angle lens will not only mean having to spend more upfront, since the lens itself could cost as much as a brand new camera. However, your photographs will be of excellent quality, they will also have a more panoramic view and this will be evidently displayed in your prints.

Shooting portraits or dimly lit subjects will mean that you need a less wider view to focus. Having the right lens for this situation and combined with your photography experience, you will be able to shoot pictures of the best quality, despite the poor conditions.

With regards to buying such lenses, you can't go wrong with eBay or second hand electronics stores, online and offline. Make sure you keep your old lenses since if you happen to be compatible with your newer camera, this can save you a ton of money.

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