Friday, March 18, 2011

Are You Willing To Know The Review Of The Best Camera? Visit Here.

By Carl Schwartz

The camera is a fascinating and indispensable gadget. It fulfills a basic need - our desire to capture moments and keep them forever. Since ancient times, man has tried to preserve and reflect his experiences and memories through cave drawings, paintings and sculpture. Modern digital cameras has made photography simple and affordable.

To find the best camera that fits your budget you need to conduct some preliminary research. On the lower end of the digital camera spectrum you can find cheap pen cameras and on the higher end you will find professional grade DSLR's. The average person generally wants an all round camera that costs a couple of hundred bucks. You will be surprised at what features you can have in the best camera under 200 dollars.

The best camera, for you, is the one that you are comfortable with and which fulfills all your photographic needs. Start by making a list of the important features you want in your camera. Expandable memory, optical zoom, video capture capability are standard features in point and shoot cameras, you get much more features in your best camera under 200 dollars. If you are an amateur photographer trying to hone your photographic skills, you will want a camera that has complete manual control.

The important technical features to take note of are sensor size, optical zoom and lens quality, video capture resolution, memory and battery type and construction quality. Most people only consider camera resolution to base their decision, sensor size is as important; a bigger sensor produces a better image. Check the native resolution of the sensor and beware of extrapolated resolution - it is a software gimmick. The best camera consists of a high quality lens and a large sensor. Optical zoom is more important than digital zoom since you can use software to digitally enlarge an image. Avoid proprietary memory standards, they are more expensive, and choose between rechargeable battery and standard AA batteries depending on your need.

Canon manufactures the best camera under 200 dollars. The website "" is a review website that provides simple and comprehensive reviews of under 200 dollar cameras. You can begin your search for the best camera under 200 dollars there; the site contains a large list of cameras from all major manufacturers.

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