Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Online Wedding Albums: How They Could Literally Explode Your Business

By Kevin Browne

As a professional photographer who shoots weddings, you've no doubt seen the explosion in the need to offer your clients outstanding online wedding albums.

Take a moment to consider just how big a deal this new capability is to your photography business from a revenue and a time point of view. It's extraordinary.

And it's precisely why a company named Collages.net has been so driven to create the best online wedding albums...to enable you to move your business to new heights daily.

With these new online album options, you can now upload all of your gorgeous shots, make them viewable to everyone who did (or did not attend) the wedding and most importantly, and, probably most importantly, it means you can sell these images online. And that is a huge potential source of new revenue for you.

You see, that's exactly why Collages.net came to be. To help photographers sell. And to constantly find the newest and smartest ways for photographers to really build their businesses.

Naturally, all of this new world of potential business comes with all of the e-commerce conveniences and online protection you must demand for your business.

Using the Collages.net online wedding albums portal, you will enjoy 5 year image backup and storage, credit card processing (which is tremendously easy to use), password protection and full screen image viewing. All so the bride can really take her time and make the perfect selections.

Your passion for your craft comes through in framing shots and manipulating the way light falls and capturing moments that defy explanation. At Collages.net, their passion is to take your passion and enable you to create the strongest business with it as they can.

Your wedding shots need exposure the same way your business needs exposure. That's exactly why Collages.net is as passionate as they are. So when you need online wedding albums, and realize the potential they offer to explode your business, where you go to get them has already been decided.

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