Saturday, March 12, 2011

Using High Quality Pictures Can Dramatically Effect User Experience

By David Pareto

Visually appealing text and images enhance the experience of any website, and keep visitor attention focused on the sites goal. Quality photos elicit desired responses, showcase products, communicate ideas or opinions, and invite visitors to venture into the site towards that goal. The best use of photos ensures visitor attention is captured and maintained. Efficiently loading web pages result in visitor engagement, making them eager to learn more about the content of a site. Thus, enhanced user experience results from using high quality pictures.

Website photographs give potential guests their first look at a site. It is the first opportunity to influence them. Whether visitors venture farther or simply move on to another site is determined by their first impression. This means photography plays a major role in keeping visitors on a page. Quality pictures can keep visitors motivated to stay to discover more about site subject matter.

Placing photos on web pages is just as important as placing items in a store window display. Items on display encourage customers to enter the store. Placement of photography directs online visitors in.

Photographs can play a key role in persuasion on sites that communicate ideas, opinions, or aim to influence others. Visitors typically act on perceptions and first impressions, and often look first, then read. Photography of high quality enhances perception and first impressions making persuasion easier.

Imagery holds the power professional marketers and advertisers rely on. It is the force that drives persuasion and sales. If a website sells products, quality photos will be a primary factor in sales. Buyers want to see up-close views of things they want.

Photography is the power-tool of the website. Imagery can be powerful enough to wow visitors, draw them further into the site, and convert them from casual observers into believers and buyers. Once the page has elicited this kind of conversion, ideally the visitor will proceed efficiently and effortlessly towards the goal. It's important that pages be loaded as efficiently as possible so users remain at the site and complete its goal. The last thing they want to do is wait for pages to load!

High resolution photographs are large, and loading time is extremely slow. They have much higher image quality, but significantly increase user wait time. Web browsers do not handle large files efficiently causing a user's attention and focus to be interrupted.

Photos optimized for the highest resolution possible (to be crisp and clear) as well as smallest possible file size (fastest loading) significantly enhance the experience of site visitors. When a few kilobytes can be saved on each image, the speed of loading an entire page significantly increases, especially for those using slower connections. Those using fast connections, experience pictures of quality that will allow a page to almost instantly appear.

Using photographs is a key factor in enhancing a user's experience of the website. High quality photos add value to the website because imagery has the power to sell and to persuade. Photographs of high quality enhance visitor experience by providing efficient browser loading, best visual quality, and powerful first impressions. By eliciting a conversion response, high quality pictures keep user attention focused on site goals.

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