Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Photo Restoration Services - Things You Need to Know

By Jennifer Hoskins

All those old photos carrying your family and extended family's memories are now staring at you, begging for help. You want those old and precious, but damaged photos to be back to how they were in their heydays, or even better. You are right, photo restoration services are your best bet to making those old mugged pictured livelier than they ever were, by editing them using special programs.

Photo restoration has become so popular that is has become an industry in itself. Virtually every corner has a photo restoring service center. Many of these services are so unbelievably cheap that you feel like restoring even those photos that are new and perfectly clean. But wait! You have heard that the cheapest doesn't equate to the best deal, haven't you? Well, that's true in this case too.

There are a few things that you should be careful about before giving your precious photos to the restoration service. The most blatant form of ripping money off you that these services engage in is those extra features. They throw such jargon at you such as tonal correction, red eye correction and make it seem like a huge deal.

Here is a piece of information for you. Most of these "premium features" should be nothing more than free. In fact, these should be part of the photo restoration services that these people offer. The reason I say this is because things such as correcting the tone can be done with a single mouse click using Photoshop or really any image editing software that they may be using.

If they genuinely offer such premium features, they should be done by professional who are experts at editing software. Your cheap local photo restoration service might just train a person or two to use Photoshop or any other photo editing software and charge you money unfairly. If you want the best photo correction services, make sure that the people doing it are experienced in their job even if they cost more.

A particular photo restoration service may seem to offer to save you the job of scanning your photo by doing it themselves for free. There is really no benefit for you in that. You can do the job with your own scanner at home and it will still come out the same way. Why do you need to shed extra dollars for a job you can do yourself. You can scan them and mail it to them to do the restoration job.

In order to earn some extra money, many photo restoration services may offer a print out of the restored photos for free. The question to ask is why you need a print out of those photos if you are going to share it online. This is nothing more than a marketing gimmick to attract you to their photo services.

Besides, the service may not use the best quality photo paper to print out the photo. If you are aware of these small things, you will get a much better deal from your photo restoration vendor. Before choosing a particular service, it is better to research about photo restoration companies online.

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