Monday, April 23, 2012

Parties & Weddings: Photo Booths Are a Must-Have

By Michael Barrett

Who would have ever thought that something invented in 1925 and found in every arcade in the 70s and 80s would become the new must have addition to your party in 2012!

In 2004 a rebirth of the photo booth began! It hasn't slowed down since. In the mall they come in some bizarre configurations. If you are party bound, you will almost certain to run into a photo booth. Once you experience it, you will see what the excitement is all about.

Not just for weddings. Photo booths have become the must have addition for corporate parties, reunions, bar/bat mitzvahs, birthdays, graduations and school dances. Unlike those old arcade style photo booths, the new photo booth, like those offered by Kansas City photo booth company Booth Crazy Photobooths, are a stand up, dance around and get crazy experience. Adding to the fun is a assortment of fun props to bring out the crazy in anyone!

No blurry pictures here. Thanks to computers, custom software and studio flash the pictures are actually of professional quality. Seeing really is believing. Unlike the hired photographer, its all automatic. With a push of a activator button, you are on your way to some serious fun. Add in some crazy props and your guests will reveal themselves in ways you would have never imagined. At Booth Crazy's Kansas City photobooths, they have 4 shots, 7 seconds apart, it is 28 seconds of photographic bliss.

Adding to the fun, is the more times you go through the booth the better you get at it! Because photo booths are generally rented for the evening with unlimited trips, guests can go through over and over again. Usually getting crazier each time!

Photographers get nasty sometimes about copyright. Scanning is frowned upon to say the least. Not so with your photo booth pics. They are yours. Do with them as you like. Scanning is encouraged. Plus, they will usually go up on a password protected site so you can relive the fun later. Perfect facebook material.

So, if you are having a get together and want to provide your guests with a fun activity that they are sure to remember, renting a photo booth may be just the ticket. Just remember that like anything else, it pays to do your due diligence. Photobooths come in many shape and sizes with prices ranging from $500-1500. Make sure you see the booth and know what you are getting. Have fun and happy photo boothing!

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