Saturday, April 28, 2012

Six Tips for Making Photo Backgrounds Right

By Roy Barker

Without question, utilising the right background can help put your subject in the right context and make it a real stick out. However , if you fail to do it right, you could be left with a very distracting image. So , how are you able to make certain you get your backgrounds right every time? Here are some tips that you might need to consider:

Always check your background. While this is going to be a straightforward choice, lots of individuals still do not get this right. Hence check if there are things that might distract your viewers ' eye. Also look for things, colours or patterns that do not fit with the remainder of the image before you click your shutter release button and you may certainly come up with better photos every time.

Move it. To dump diversions from your frame, consider asking your subject to move a little to her left or right. Listen to me, this easy fix works most of the time. If you can't move your subject, you need to consider changing your position and shooting from another angle altogether. Consider moving around your subject or try getting down a touch lower or higher to get a different perspective.

Blur your background. You may eliminate distracting backgrounds by utilizing a wider aperture to blur it. To reach this effect, switch your camera to aperture concern mode and try shooting the same subject or scene using different apertures. You can use a lens with a long focal length to obscure your backgrounds.

Fill your frame. Filling your frame with your subject will totally eliminate any distracting elements from the background. So , don't hesitate to get close up. You may even come up with some quite impressive shots this way!

Make your own background. If there aren't any acceptable backgrounds that you can use, then the nicest thing you can do is to make your own.

Edit your shots. If you're quite informed in using a photograph editing software, use it in improving your photos. It works wonders each time!

As is obvious, there are plenty of ways to go about in eliminating distracting backgrounds from each of your shots. Just keep these tips in mind and you'll certainly be coming up with one great shot after another!

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