Saturday, April 21, 2012

Why the next project might cry for digital

By Lori B Olson

The term -digital paper- is taking on a meaning of its own. Different circles will interpret this term according to their daily use and experiences. Digital paper commonly refers to e-communication, e-contracts, etc -- basically a document in its digital format instead of a physical printed copy. In the world of paper and printing we are starting to transform our thoughts to adapt with the new era of digital printers.

Digital print in the paper industry will direct itself to the size of paper, weight of paper and the finish of the paper. Most digital paper is coated so that it can have optimal results as it runs though the digital printers of today. Digital printers are available for personal use and running to a grade of commercial quality. Bragging of small runs and high quality, the digital printer age allows the average consumer to produce a printed piece representative of a quality corporate identity. Full color, vivid, concise and unbelievably crisp quality is what a digital printer can present, especially when printed on a form of media that is treated with a finish formulated to work in harmony with the specific machine.

Many print manufactures produce budgeted and commercial grade printers that stand in the digital category. It can be a challenge to consider the purchase of a digital printer since they have a very broad range in price. Manufactured by most big brand companies, it provides a complex grid for choosing size, output and speed of the printer. If you are considering a purchase of this type of printer for only a few projects in the year, you will quickly find that sourcing your job to the local printer would be the most cost effective option.

This new digital print age brags of a superb print quality but not requiring a high-volume run, this then providing for reasonable pricing. Ultimately, you will see a superb quality of paper working well with high quality digital print and find the cost for a small print run to stay within the budget.

Many corporations and designers find that this high quality, small run option permits them to be more creative and versatile with their designs and marketing strategies.

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